My Daily Guide
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord deliverth him out of
them all. Psalms 34:19
All the afflictions of the righteous (saved people) brings forth something
glorious in the Christian's life. Such as, the life of Joseph, the perfect model
for us. The prisoner not only delivered, but finds angels waiting him at the
door. Those afflictions are permitted by God, designed to strengthen our faith.
One angel is faith, through this trial, increases our faith. Another trial,
brings more love, another joy, another teaches us long suffering, with those of
whome we've had no patience. Another gentleness, we learn to be gentle to our
fellow man. Another goodness, another meekness, another temperance, and another
peace. 2 Peter 1:5-7. If we respond to each of these trials in
the "right manner," then we can go on to be more righteous. If we respond in the
"wrong manner," we have to take another lap in the wilderness as the Israelites
did until we learn the lesson. Treat the temptations as though it was sent or
allowed by God. Remember, nothing touches you outside the permissive will of
God. Read Romans 8:28. Satan may have done it, but God being supreme did allow
it. You have heard, why do bad things happen to good people. We as Christians
are not exempt from trials and pain. However, He does make a way of escape.
1 Corinthians 10:13.
We should have a daily walk with God. He desires a relationship with His
children. Could you have someone to visit with you and have absolutely nothing
to say?